New Year Wish
First of all, a very happy and prosperous new year to you, though it's belated. This is my first blog entry in 2007. Last year was so much eventful for me, good as well as bad. Last year I started writing blog, inspired by a lot of nice people here and there. Actually I started using internet last year heavy; this was very important for my digital life. I started using various online services like Google doc, Google calendar, Orkut and lots more as much as I can. Now I am too dependent upon these, I use off line software only when I don't get any online alternative for that. I use Orkut for online for community, friends etc, I use Google doc as alternative to off line office suite, I use Google calendar for all my planning, I use flickr and Google picasa for organizing my photos. I use and Google bookmarks for managing bookmarks. Even when I find any trivial importance for any type of file I tried to upload it for future reference. Recently I started using zoho online office suite which is even better than that of Google.These the ways my online experience changed.
I am mentally preparing for lots of things to do, to learn and "TO DO"s in the year 2007.
I am mentally preparing for lots of things to do, to learn and "TO DO"s in the year 2007.
- Windows Vista and Java 6: I'm very mush eager to keep my hand in Windows Vista. It's going to be released on 31st January. I want to run my new Java Swing application written in Java 6 desktop advances on Vista, I also want to make my application look like native vista but written in Swing. I already have a taste of Windows vista beat2 on my machine running Java 6, but that's beta nahh.
- J2EE 5: I am very much unfortunate till now that I didn't get any opportunity to work in large scale, multi module J2EE application. If I say "I know J2EE" then that will surely make no sense, it's huge. I want to dig into this area as much as I can this year. More specifically I am interested in EJB3; how annotation makes wonderful coding in EJB3. I want to use JBDC 4.0 new features in my code. I also wish to use JPA. I wish to begin my own J2EE projects for learning purpose, I build multiple module and wish to design how they interact with each other. Maven2 is really a beautiful build tool. I saves lots of my time and I'm now very much comfortable with using Maven2. When your project consists of multiple modules and you need several jars here and there then Ant will do badly for you. If I can grasp J2EE deeply then I wish to write some reusable component in J2EE for general use. I believe in Separation of Concert in software development, so I wish to make multiple module and make them interactive among them.
- AJAX: This is the most hyped programming model among web developer now a days. I wish to learn what AJAX is for and what not. Cross-browser compatibility is very big issue in AJAX as far as I know (i don't know AJAX very well till now) I want to explore that. I wish to taste various AJAX frameworks available today and see how they handle all problems related to cross-browser compatibility .I wish to use POJO and DOJO too.
- Flex2: I also wish to learn flex2; how it's different from AJAX or similar to AJAX. Which one is more easy to learn and use. May be it will be better idea to learn them simultaneously. have you seen Google finance yet? It is built using Flex2.
- UML, design and refactoring: I want to go deeper with UML and I wish my software will be alike my UML desing. I wish to reflect that in my design and coding. Currently I use Altova UModel 2006 for my modeling. Although I'm quiet happy and comfortable with this, I wish to explore other UML tools also, if possible IBM Rational suite. Several code generation tool are available now that can generate code from your design, but I haven't use many of them. I like to use them for my code generation and refactor my code from within the tool.
- AOP: Aspect Oriented Programming attracted my attention a few days ago. AOP mainly deals with cross-cutting concert. Suppose you have hundred of thousands of class files across various packages. Now let you have to make a fix across all the classes or most of the classes, then it's not feasible to make change in all those files one by one, here AOP can help me. As am not quiet accustomed with AOP till now. I wish to learn it and to use in my code, project.
- Ruby and Rails: I'm not at all aware of these. I wish to learn these in 2007.
- C, C++ again: I wish to write code in my leisure if I can manage all other things.
- Functional Programming and Algorithm: I wish to go back to my college days when I started to write code in C. I can feel it's necessity but it's not very good for you if you want to develop for business. It's only food for my brain. I wish to read my old algorithm book, write code accordingly then find it's complexsity and improve it and calculate it's complexity and so on. Debasish da posted very nice entries for functional programing; really worth reading.
- Preparation of my own reusable software components: I have three software components in my hand:
- a). java-ext: core Java extension for using Java generics, annotation more conveniently in your programme.
- b). object-jdbc: it's very nice extension and implementation of Java JDBC API. If you use JDBC, then every time you have to deal with ResultSet and SQLException, but programmers can use object-jdbc object oriented way. Every database entry is object, not resultset. When programming with JDBC, a major problem arise when JDBC driver not work properly. I have used several databas driver for JDBC and I found many bugs in them. object-jdbc hanble these bugs to some extent now, I will try to handle all the bugs with in my code.This component use java-ext heavily.
- c). swing-ext: some reusable swing components and utility.
Thanks for using Zoho and mentioning it here, Gautam! We just released the private alpha of Zoho Notebook. More about it here.
Anonymous, at 2:45 AM
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