A programmer's tale

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Going back to my former programming love:C, C++, but lazily

Well, I've grown up?, I've grown up in Java?? No dude, I've just one and half year professional experience in Java. Before that i.e. during my college days, mostly I programmed in C, C++ and sometimes in VC++ , I used Java, but that was not as much as C or C++. C and C++ was my programming love that time. I used to program in Turbo C++ compiler, also tried free C++ compilers like Dev C++ etc. For VC++, I used Microsoft VC++ compiler. I was quite happy with all these and C, C++ were my favorite languages. At that time I was not able to realize the real OOP philosophy although C++ is OOP language.
But I started my professional life with Java and eventually in almost no time I fallen in love with this beauty. Basically the my passion evolved from my profession. I write code now and refactor often for better code. All these I can do with Java now. Java is very much object-oriented. From my course of learning, I can feel the morbid necessity of OOA/D in any professional software now a days. And that is a one-to-one mapping for Java, that's why I love this language so much. Java encourages standard, prototype based, well defined design philosophy but does not force it.
But in my little experience I meet people(talented experienced as well as novice) who don't like Java that much. Even they frequently find drawbacks, lack of language features in Java. But I personally think
One who best know something only can criticize that thing.
So if I want to discuss anything deeply good or bad about C, C++, then I have to master these. I have to find out what's the real philosophy of the design of these language. It's true that not every programming language is suited for every purpose. Hence if your purpose is system programming, then Java may not be your choice, but if you program large scale enterprise solution backing large database or you write rich client software platform independently or any piece of software which runs long run under going design to maintainence phase, then Java may be the best solution.
I'm started to program in C, C++ again in my pastime. I started with Microsoft VC++ Express Edition. Here is my desktop with the IDE:

I think if somebody really want to develop language design concept and philosophy, then only one or two language knowledge is not enough for her/him. You have to explore other languages too. So If you want to open your mouth, then you have to know very well..


  • Interesting observation. In fact, to learn and master the intricacies of any language, one needs to learn more than one language, so that things can be compared, nothing is simply good or nothing is simply bad. Also, history and the time contextual things have an effect. For example, C and C++ are extremely rich languages but come with buffer overflow problems that can cause security hazards. They are sharpe edged swords, but truely languages of passion indeed.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 4:19 PM  

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